Teacher's pet...

If you're thinking about losing weight and getting fit

And you've got good people around you

Then the majority of the time you will receive words of encouragement

However you also need to be prepared to be faced with some negativity about your lifestyle changes

Because unfortunately not everybody cares as much as you do

Well actually they do

They just don't want to admit it

And to make themselves feel better about being overweight, they bash your efforts to get healthier

It's a bit like when you were at school and someone answers a question correctly or scores well in an exam

Then gets ridiculed by those that aren't as smart for being a "teacher's pet"

The truth is that these people are jealous that you have the will to change

And most of all they are insecure about trying and subsequently failing at it themselves

So they don't try at all

And anyone that does is "boring"

But I tell you what is more boring

Not having the confidence to wear certain outfits, or being unable to run around with your children

So the next time a co-worker gets onto you about your refusing a piece of cake

Just be mindful of where this attitude is coming from

If you need a hand getting started then get in touch  here

Until next time, have a great week
