Arland Craik Personal Trainer - Newbury & Thatcham

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Fail to Prepare... Prepare to Fail

So I went to the gym last Friday - I had already completed my sessions for the week but my girlfriend was going so I thought I'd tag along anyway

But after about 20 minutes I was ready to leave - I had ZERO motivation and couldn't work out why

Normally I get in, put my music on and it's no issue to get through the hour or so of training that I have planned

But then it clicked...

It was precisely because I HADN'T planned this workout

It makes sense - I often see people in the gym wondering from machine to machine with a lost expression on their face

It's not because they are lazy, they are just lacking some direction

And I realised that was ME

Despite the fact that I'm fairly well clued up when it comes to training (you would hope so anyway)

When I don't have a clear plan or goal in mind, the effort just isn't there

I've also found that the same is true when it comes to diet and nutrition

Planning and tracking what you eat each week is the first step to getting things in order

If you need a hand with anything at all, please feel free to contact me anytime and I would be happy to provide you with a meal plan

Sometimes it's just a case of being pointed in the right direction, so don't be afraid of asking for help if you feel like you need it

Until next time, have a great week
