Being flexible is important - but not in the way you might think...

Being flexible is crucial when it comes to getting in shape

But not in the way that you might think...

I'm not talking about the importance of being able to touch your toes

But rather the importance of being able to adapt the process of losing weight and getting fit

Because at the end of the day we all live busy and complicated lives

So allowing some wiggle room is essential

Anything that is too restrictive is going to be impossible to stick to 

And sticking to things is what it's all about

That's why exclusion diets aren't something I advocate

Because no-one is going to keep them up in the long run

On the flip side planning is also key

So knowing what you are going to do in each workout is important too

But being able to adapt it

Now that's what takes you from being on a diet to living a healthy life

If you're looking for a more flexible approach to your training then take a look at the Online Personal Training section of my website here

Online Training offers you the ability to pick and choose where and when you want to do your workouts, while still following a program that is tailored to you

If you have any questions just give me a shout anytime

Until next time, have a great week
