Arland Craik Personal Trainer - Newbury & Thatcham

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The Fat Person on the Inside

When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape people can often get bogged down with diet and training programs and completely bypass the most important part of the process... changing the fat person on the inside - and I'm not getting all sciencey and talking about internal fat mass. I'm talking about how you see yourself as an individual - Allow me to explain...

Consider this for a minute - When was the last time you did something without conscious thought and were surprised at your actions? The chances are that you can't even remember an example. This is because our actions nearly always match up with the perception we have of ourselves. After all there's no one with more experience of being inside your own head.

Consequently if you want to change your behaviour, then first and foremost you must challenge the current beliefs you have about who you are. So if your perception is that you are an unhealthy, unfit and out of shape person, then you will do as an unhealthy, unfit and out of shape person does. You will eat and drink too much, your cupboards will be full of junk food and you won't prioritize being physically active - because that's what is normal for you. Conversely a healthy and fit person will do the opposite; not because they are on a diet, but because that's how a healthy and fit person behaves - See the difference?

Make no mistake about it changing the beliefs you hold about yourself is not an overnight process, not least because other people have a significant impact on your own self-image. For example if people constantly tell you how funny you are, then you're probably going to think that you're a funny person? The problem is that often times people struggle with the idea that other people change and react negatively when they notice it happening - especially if it makes them feel worse about themselves. So if you are planning on making some positive changes to your habits such as bringing in salads for lunch at work or going for a walk on your break, just be prepared for some potential criticism - you can check out one of my other blogs I wrote on this topic here

Ultimately achieving your health and fitness goals isn't about keto-dieting and training 7 days a week - it's about making better decisions each day. I've seen countless men and women make the mistake even after losing weight of still viewing themselves as a "fat person" in disguise. As such they perceive their healthy choices as abnormal and thus only a temporary phase, as apposed to a permanent change in lifestyle. So before you consider the latest trend in nutrition and training, take at look in the mirror and have a think about who you are right now vs who you want to be - because as the saying goes what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.