The C Word...
Nope not that one...
Consistency - this is without a shadow of a doubt the single difference maker when it comes to getting the result that you want or not. Because the inconvenient truth it that losing weight and getting in shape while not always easy, is actually very simple - All you need to do is stick to something. Think about it, how many overweight people do you know that exercise at least once a week - EVERY week? I would wager that number is pretty low, if any at all. It doesn't even really matter what exercise you do and you don't have to overhaul absolutely everything at once. When people look at amazing body transformations, they focus solely on the end product and fail to recognize that it all started by making small positive changes, week in and week out and STICKING TO THEM.
Now we've already established that getting in shape is a straight forward process, but one that can ultimately be very challenging - If you've tried to lose weight in the past you will know this to be true. The reason so many people struggle is because sticking to things for a long time is tough, especially when you are relying on will power alone to get you through. The problem with this approach is that your own self-motivation will inevitably waver from time to time and this is when slip ups happen.
The answer? Ensure that you have a system in place that holds you accountable and gives you the support you need to stay on course, ensuring that you have the one thing you need to achieve your goals - consistency. This is where working with a one-to-one Personal Trainer REALLY helps - there is no way to replicate the consistency of somebody showing up at the same time each week to make sure you hit your weekly exercise target. Sometimes it just takes someone with the right knowledge and experience to set you off in the right direction and from there the sky is the limit! Plus the good news is that the longer you commit yourself to changing your lifestyle the easier it gets. Over the weeks and months your new eating and exercise routine will become habits that you can stick to for the rest of your life. One of my clients was telling me just last week that now it's not a struggle anymore to make the right choices - even in challenging situations such as eating out.
So ask yourself - what's your strategy to stay consistent in your pursuit of your health and fitness goal this year? If you've got one then I wish you the best of luck, but if you haven't then feel free to get in touch anytime and I would be happy to have a chat with you about how I might be able to help - You can contact me here anytime