Arland Craik Personal Trainer - Newbury & Thatcham

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Fallen Off The Gym Wagon? This is How to Get Back on Track...

As we are approaching the end of February, I’ve started to notice the numbers in the gym I go to really start to drop off. Anyone that has been exercising regularly for any period of time will attest to the fact that this is commonplace regardless of where you train, but it seems that this is particularly true for gym goers. So many people will have taken out their new membership last month, full of enthusiasm and good intentions only to come to the realisation that they are unable to stay motivated in the long term. So why does this happen? Allow me to offer my professional take and give you my top 5 fives reasons that people quit the gym in the first 2 months and how to get back on track.

  1. You Didn’t Know What to do While You Were There - This is probably the most common one. Merely having the means to exercise is of absolutely no value if you don’t use it correctly - a goal without a plan is just a wish. So many people go to the gym, but don’t have the first clue what they are doing. So they end of wandering around from machine to machine, with no rhyme or reason for what exercise they have chosen, how many reps, or how long to do it for. Because of this they spend more time looking at their phone than actually exercising and as a consequence they don’t get the results they hoped for and they give up. Simply turning up to the gym isn’t going to cut it, you need to follow a training program that is appropriate for you and your goals. This is precisely what my Online Personal Training service is designed for, you can check out more details here.

  2. You Went Too Hard Too Fast - This is exactly the mistake that I made when I first started training. All of that enthusiasm you have when you start a new health and fitness regimen can work against you by causing you to be way too over zealous. This often leads to overuse injuries, meaning that you have to stop training for a while and then struggle to get going again. Furthermore, trying something that is too intense and advanced for someone that hasn’t done any exercise in a while can be very demoralizing for anybody. If you are attending classes, try starting with the lowest intensity one first and going from there, or better yet get yourself a training program that is tailored specifically for your fitness level.

3. You Didn’t Track Your Progress - Hands down the best and honestly in my opinion the only way to stay motivated is by making progress towards your goals. Whether it’s weight loss, increasing muscle mass, improving your fitness, or getting stronger, unless you are achieving your desired outcome you will give up - because as much as I encourage people to do exercise that they enjoy, the vast majority of us are training for results first and foremost. So unless you have some way of tracking your progress towards said goals, you have no idea whether all of your hard work is worth it or not. I would recommend using as many measures as possible, from the weights you lift and the speed you run at, to your body weight, dimensions and progress pictures.

4. The Environment Didn’t Suit You - There is no dispute that gyms can often be intimidating environments for people that are new to fitness. The problem is that gyms aren’t the most inclusive of places and are often filled with people that are already in great shape. It is extremely hard for people to avoid comparing themselves to others and no one is going to stay motivated when they feel weak, or inadequate. So often this is exactly how people feel when they step into a gym. Now there are 2 solutions here: 1 - Stop comparing yourself to others (difficult, but doable with practice). 2 - Try a different environment. Just because the gym didn’t suit you, doesn’t mean its the end of your health and fitness journey. There are plenty of outdoor fitness programs, I offer an exclusively outdoor Mobile Personal Training Service working with clients at their homes, or in local parks - You can find out more here

5. You Didn’t Invest Enough - “The only thing more expensive than expensive is cheap”, I can’t remember where I heard that phrase, but it applies perfectly in relation to the different methods of getting in shape. People that use more expensive gyms, or fitness programs tend you use them more regularly and get better results from them - Why? Because they attach more value to them and want a better return on their investment. Go ahead and do a Google search right now for a free nutrition and workout plan, I guarantee you will find loads of resources available and guess what? They work too. But, people don’t use them because there is no value attached to them. So invest in something that you will actually adhere to, one of the reasons I get so much success with my clients is because of the investment they make in my service - you can find my information here

If your New Years resolution hasn’t quite gone to plan so far don’t worry, they rarely do! So don’t get disheartened, I hope that this article has given you some insight into how to get back on track and if you need any other help, or guidance please feel free to get in touch anytime.